Mental Health Services

Adult Mental Health Services

We serve adults living with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) or other mental health concerns move toward living successfully on their own and to be connected to community, transitioning from long-term homelessness to housing, unemployment, and recovering from co-occurring chemical and mental health concerns.

We provide:

  • Mental health assessment and therapy services
  • Case management, long- and short-term services
  • Supportive housing
  • Community Support Programs
  • Mental health clinic

For questions or to learn how to connect to services, please email or call 612.752.8074.

Mental Health Clinic

The Avivo Mental Health Clinic exists to support Avivo’s mission in the areas of recovery and mental health. We have a team of therapists ready to assist in providing counseling, mental health diagnostic assessments, and crisis resources. Our clinic has expertise in working with co-occurring concerns, trauma, SPMI, mood disorders, and complex barriers such as homelessness and unemployment.

Learn more about our Mental Health Clinic.


Community Support Program

Avivo’s Community Support Program (CSP) consists of two focus areas: NatureWorks and ArtWorks. Each of our program focus areas offer unique activities, online via Zoom, as well as in-person outdoor drop-in opportunities for community-building and connecting to resources.

Find information on Avivo’s Community Support Program, supported by Hennepin County.

